Mentorship Program

Mentorship is a key component of DSI’s research programs. Researchers are all paired with research supervisors and advisors who, respectively, guide them through the research process and provide invaluable expertise in the subject matter.

Being a mentor is one of the most rewarding experience you will have in being able to pass down your own knowledge.


The research supervisor is an experienced researcher with a detailed understanding of conducting research from initial idea to manuscript publications and presentations. The research supervisor is there to guide the individual/team through the research process. This includes assisting them with how to find adequate sources, formatting of the paper (in terms of scope, language, content, and layout), and how to submit to journals/conferences. Overall, the research supervisor ensures the quality of the research continually meets high standards and is conducted in an efficient manner.

Qualifications & Commitment:

  • Master’s degree
  • At least 1 peer-reviewed publication
  • 3 hours/month over the course of the Andromeda program


Considered an expert in a specific topic, the research advisor ideally has over ten years of experience in academia, industry, or government. The research advisor would orient the individual/team in defining the scope of their research, recommend relevant literature, provide expert insight, and answer specific questions about the research topic. In a nutshell, the role of the research advisor is to guide the teams in performing their research on a sound foundation of the subject matter.

Qualifications & Commitment:

  • Relevant expertise in one of DSI’s research topics.
  • Willingness to discuss the area of expertise with researchers new to the field.
  • <1 hour/month over the course of the Andromeda program

Review Board

The research supervisor and advisor can choose to be on the review board upon met requirements. The review board members review the abstracts, research proposals and final manuscripts of the teams. The board also conducts progress and final reviews of the teams to evaluate the outcome of the research topic.

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